Account management

Manage your Kuika account.

You can manage your Kuika Low-code Platform user account in a few steps.

In this section you will learn:

  1. Changing Name-Surname information

  2. Password update

1. Changing Name-Surname information

To change the name-surname information of the account you created in Kuika, open the Settings ⟶ Users screen on the left side after logging into your account.

To make name-surname edits on the screen that opens, open the Edit pop-up window from the account's detail menu.

After making the name-surname changes, save it with the UPDATE button.

2. Password update

To change the password of the account you created in Kuika, open the Change Password pop-up window from the profile menu in the upper right corner after logging into your account.

In the Change password Pop-up:

  • Current password: Type the password you use while logging in.

  • New password: Type your new password.

  • New password (Confirm): Confirm your new password by typing it again.

Update your password with the CHANGE button.

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