The Commonly Encountered Error Messages and Their Meanings in the Error Panel

  • { "KV1001", "{0} visibility condition operator is missing." },

The KV1001 error message indicates that the visibility condition is missing in the added elements. In other words, a condition defining when a certain component should be visible or hidden is missing. Error codes are not displayed to users.

  • { "KV1002", "The action {0} no longer exists."},

This error indicates that a certain action cannot be found in the project. In other words, it states that this action is not part of the project.

  • { "KV1003", "Target component no longer exists." },

This error indicates that a targeted component cannot be found during an operation. In other words, it expresses that the component targeted for a specific operation is missing.

  • { "KV1004", "The value is missing." },

This error indicates that a certain value is required and missing. It asks the user to enter or provide this value.

  • { "KV1005", "Selected component no longer exists." },

This error indicates that a certain component cannot be selected or found in the project. The user receives this error when they cannot select the component they want to work with.

  • { "KV1006", "" },

This error message description is empty and does not contain a specific explanation.

  • { "KV1007", "" },

This error message description is empty and does not contain a specific explanation.

  • {"KV1008", "Target field '{1}' of action '{0}' no longer exists." },

This error indicates that a certain field of a certain action cannot be found in the project and that the field requested by the user is missing.

  • { "KV1009", "" },

This error message description is empty and does not contain a specific explanation.

  • { "KV1010", "" },

This error message description is empty and does not contain a specific explanation.

  • { "KV1011", "Target event '{0}' no longer exists." },

This error indicates that a certain event cannot be found in the project and that this event is needed.

  • { "KV1012", "Parameter '{0}' value is missing." },

This error indicates that the value of a certain parameter is missing and that the user needs to provide this parameter value.

  • { "KV1013", "The action '{1}' must be called before the action '{0}'." },

This error indicates that a certain action must be called before another action and that this sequence is missing.

  • { "KV1014", "Target screen no longer exists." }

This error indicates that a certain screen cannot be found in the project and that this screen is necessary.

  • { "KV1015", "" },

This error message description is empty and does not contain a specific explanation.

  • { "KV1016", "" }

This error message description is empty and does not contain a specific explanation.

  • { "KV1017", "Parameter '{0}' of screen '{1}' no longer exists." }

This error indicates that a certain parameter of a certain screen cannot be found. It expresses the situation where the parameter requested by the user is missing.

  • { "KV1018", "Project must have starting screen." },

This error indicates that the project needs a starting screen and that this screen is missing. The KV1018 error message is received when the starting screen is not selected when previewing the application developed on the Platform. It is important to select starting screens in projects.

  • { "KV1019", "Reset password screen must allow anonymous access." },

This error indicates that the reset password screen must have anonymous access permission and that this requirement is not met.

  • { "KV1020", "The process decision node needs a condition to execute." },

This error indicates that a condition is missing in the workflow decision node. In other words, a condition defining how a certain workflow step should be directed is missing.

  • { "KV1021", "The process gateway node needs at least one output arrow or forward." },

This error indicates that the workflow gateway node needs at least one output arrow or forward. In other words, it expresses that this node needs to be directed to another step during the process.

  • { "KV1022", "The process gateway node needs at least one input arrow or forward." },

This error indicates that the workflow gateway node needs at least one input arrow or forward. In other words, it expresses that this node needs an input during the process.

  • { "KV1023", "The process step node needs at least one output forward."},

This error indicates that the workflow step node needs at least one output. In other words, it expresses that this step needs to direct an output during the process.

  • { "KV1024", "The process step node needs at least one input arrow or forward." },

This error indicates that the workflow step node needs at least one input. In other words, it expresses that this step needs to receive an input during the process.

  • { "KV1025", "The process step node needs to StepType." },

This error indicates that a type has not been selected for the workflow step. It asks the user to select the type of this step.

  • { "KV1026", "The process step node needs default task screen." },

This error indicates that the page information for the workflow step is mandatory and missing. It asks the user to provide this information.

  • { "KV1027", "The '{0}' node needs at least one arrow." },

This error indicates that a specific workflow step requires at least one arrow. In other words, this step needs to be directed by one or more arrows during the processing sequence.

  • { "KV1028", "'{0}' node does not exist in the process" },

This error indicates that a specific workflow step cannot be found in the project, denoting that this step is missing.

  • { "KV1029", "'Step' node does not exist in the process." },

This error indicates that there is no node named "Step" in the specified process.

  • { "KV1030", "'{0}' node name does not exist in the process." },

This error indicates that the node named "{0}" specified in a certain process does not exist. "{0}" is a special node name entered by the user.

  • { "KV1031", "Stripe settings are missing. It should be defined in the configuration manager." }

This error indicates that the settings required for Stripe payment transactions are missing in the configuration manager.

  • { "KV1032", "Google login options are missing. It should be defined in the configuration manager." },

This error indicates that the options for logging in with Google are missing in the configuration manager.

  • { "KV1033", "Facebook login options are missing. It should be defined in the configuration manager." },

This error indicates that the options for logging in with Facebook are missing in the configuration manager. The error message with code KV1033 implies that there is missing information in the Facebook login settings and/or correct definitions should be made in the Configuration Manager Backend Swagger.

  • { "KV1034", "Android push notification options are missing. It should be defined in the configuration manager." },

This error indicates that the notification options for Android are missing in the configuration manager. The error message with code KV1034 implies that there is missing or incorrect information in the Android notification settings and that correct definitions need to be made in the Configuration Manager.

  • { "KV1035", "IOS push notification options are missing. It should be defined in the configuration manager." },

This error indicates that the notification options for iOS are missing in the configuration manager. The error message with code KV1035 implies that there is missing or incorrect information in the IOS notification settings and that correct definitions need to be made in the Configuration Manager.

  • { "KV1036", "Bundle Id is undefined for Android. It should be defined in the configuration manager." },

This error indicates that the Bundle Id for the Android application is not defined in the configuration manager. The error message with code KV1036 is encountered by the user if the Bundle Id information is missing in the Configuration Manager>Preview Android App>Bundle ID section. The required fields must be filled in. The error message with code KV1036 indicates that the Bundle Id information has not been entered in the Android configuration settings in the Configuration Manager. You can fix the error by entering the Bundle Id information.

  • { "KV1037", "Bundle Id is undefined for IOS. It should be defined in the configuration manager." },

This error indicates that the Bundle Id for the iOS application is not defined in the configuration manager. The error message with code KV1037 indicates that the Bundle Id information has not been entered in the iOS configuration settings in the Configuration Manager. You can fix the error by entering the Bundle Id information.

  • { "KV1038", "LDAP settings cannot be used in preview. It can be used only for other options including 'Download source code' and 'Send executables'." },

This error indicates that LDAP settings can only be used for certain operations and cannot be used during the preview.

  • { "KV1039", "There is no any application defined with provided bundle id '{0}' on Appstore connect. Please check the configuration of your application on Appstore connect and configuration manager." },

This error indicates that no application registered with the given Bundle Id was found on Appstore Connect and encourages checking for configuration issues.

  • { "KV1040", "Password is missing. Please enter password." },

This error indicates that the user needs to enter a password. The error message with code KV1040 occurs when the user forgets to enter their password. The error code is not displayed on the user's screen.

  • { "KV1142", "Screen that has a Verification Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous" },

This error indicates that the specified password hash is not the expected length.

  • { "KV1143", "No action named '{0}' was found on the page."},

This error indicates that the user needs to enter a username.

  • { "KV1144", "The '{0}' parameter value for the '{1}' action was not found." },

This error indicates that the user needs to check if the provided information is correct.

  • { "KV1045", "Your password is not correct." },

This error indicates that the password entered by the user is not correct. The error message with code KV1045 occurs when the user enters the wrong password. The error code is not displayed on the user's screen.

  • { "KV1046", "Passwords don't match. You should enter the same password." },

This error indicates that the user needs to match two passwords. Typically, during the password renewal or new password creation process, users are asked to enter the password twice. The error message with code KV1046 occurs when one of the entered passwords does not match the other. The error code is not visible to the user.

  • { "KV1147", "Choose a date format for the datetime component '{0}'" },

This error indicates that the verification code entered by the user is incorrect.

  • {"KV1148", "Names must start with a letter and can only contain letters, _ and numbers." },

This error indicates that the specified username is already in use and that another username must be selected.

  • { "KV1049", "The username or password is incorrect." },

The error message with code KV1049 occurs when the user enters their password and/or username incorrectly. The error code is not displayed on the user's screen.

  • { "KV1050", "Your account has been locked. Try to login after {0} minutes." },

This error indicates that the user's account has been temporarily locked and they need to try logging in again after the specified time.

  • { "KV1051", "Invalid refresh token" },

This error indicates that the user's session has expired and they need to log in again. When the account used on the platform is logged into a different device at the same time, the user who logged in first encounters the error message with code KV1051 and is removed from the platform. The last user to log in continues to work on the platform.

  • { "KV1052", "Email could not send. Receivers: {0}. Cc: {1}. Bcc: {2}." },

This error indicates that an error occurred during the email sending process and provides information about the specified recipients, carbon copy recipients, or blind carbon copy recipients.

  • { "KV1053", "'graphToken' claim is missing. Contact your system administrator." },

This error indicates that the user is trying to log in and requires a valid "graphToken", but it is missing, and they need to contact their system administrator.

  • { "KV1054", "Invalid token." },

This error indicates that the user is trying to log in with an invalid "graphToken" and needs to contact their system administrator.

  • { "KV1055", "Unauthorized api call: {0}" },

This error indicates that the user is not authorized to make a specific API call and specifies the name of the requested API call.

  • { "KV1056", "Unauthorized for domain: {0}" },

This error indicates that the user is not authorized for a specific domain and specifies the domain name.

  • { "KV1057", "Unauthorized for project: {0}" },

This error indicates that the user does not have access permission for a specific project and specifies the project's name.

  • { "KV1058", "Please be sure that the provided role information is correct." },

This error indicates that the user has entered incomplete or incorrect information required for a specific role.

  • { "KV1059", "Field name is required" },

This error indicates that the user needs to enter a field name.

  • { "KV1060", "Sql Command must not contain same field name: {0}." },

This error indicates that the SQL command must not contain the same field name more than once. For instance, if a "select" is taken from two tables and the common "Id" value is named the same, this error is returned. If a different naming is given to the "Id" in one table, this error is resolved.

  • { "KV1061", "Template name is missing." },

This error indicates that the user needs to enter a template name.

  • { "KV1062", "Template name {0} is already taken." },

This error indicates that the specified template name is already in use by another user.

  • { "KV1063", "Template is not found." },

This error indicates that the specified template is not available.

  • { "KV1064", "Command line process received some errors: {0}" },

This error indicates that some errors occurred during the command line process and provides a description of these errors.

  • { "KV1065", "Something went wrong but we don't know what it could be, if you hit this line, please examine this error." },

This error indicates that an unexpected error situation has occurred and further investigation is needed to determine the cause.

  • { "KV1066", "Project must have verification screen" },

This error indicates that a project requires a verification screen to function.

  • { "KV1067", "Verification screen must allow anonymous access"},

This error indicates that a verification screen must be accessible by anonymous users.

  • { "KV1068", "Signin screen must allow anonymous access"},

This error indicates that a sign-in screen must be accessible by anonymous users. The KV1068 error message is given when anonymous access permission is not active when Sign-in screens are used. To resolve this error code, Authorization > Anonymous Access must be open.

  • { "KV1069", "Forgot password screen must allow anonymous access"},

This error indicates that a forgot password screen must only be accessible by anonymous users. The KV1069 error message is encountered in situations where anonymous access permission has not been given on the Forgot Password screen. To resolve this error, the Authorization > Anonymous Access switch must be active.

  • { "KV1070", "E-Mail is invalid." },

The KV1070 error message indicates that the email address entered by the user is invalid and that there is no such email address.

  • { "KV1071", "The expected type of the parameter '{0}' and the type entered do not match. Expected type: '{1}', entered type: '{2}'."},

The KV1071 error message indicates that the type of the parameter named '{0}' does not match the entered type. Expected type: '{1}', entered type: '{2}'. This is an error message about a type mismatch occurring in the entered parameters. For example, if you select a GUID for a string field, it gives an error. Therefore, the types of the entered parameters should be correctly selected.

  • { "KV1072", "Backend is not compatible. Please update backend."},

This error indicates that the backend in use is incompatible and needs to be updated.

  • { "KV1073", "Set Password."},

This error indicates that the user needs to set a new password.

  • { "KV1074", "Reset Password."},

This error indicates that the user needs to reset their password.

  • { "KV1080", "Select backend from configuration manager."},

This error indicates that the user needs to select a backend and should use the configuration manager to do so.

  • { "KV1081", "The new password cannot be the same as the old password." },

This error indicates that the user's new password cannot be the same as the old password.

  • { "KV1082", "Table name {0} is a reserved key. Please enter another name." },

This error indicates that the name entered by the user for a specific table is a reserved key and another name should be used.

  • { "KV1083", "Column name {0} is a reserved key. Please enter another name." },

This error indicates that the name entered by the user for a specific column is a reserved key and another name should be used.

  • { "KV1084", "The data source named '{0}' already exists." },

This error indicates that when the user tries to create a data source, a data source with the same name already exists.

  • { "KV1085", "The action named '{0}' already exists." },

This error indicates that when the user tries to create an action, an action with the same name already exists.

  • { "KV1086", "{0} is used in the {1} screen, so {0} was not deleted." },

This error indicates that a certain component or name is used in another screen and therefore cannot be deleted.

  • { "KV1087", "Datasource created by default (managed datasource) cannot be deleted." },

This error indicates that a data source created by default cannot be deleted.

  • { "KV1088", "This data source cannot be deleted because some actions of the data source are used in the project." },

This error indicates that a certain data source cannot be deleted because some of its actions are used in the project.

  • { "KV1089", "Column name {0} is already used at the same table. Please enter another name." },

This error indicates that a specific table already has another column with the same name and a different name should be used.

  • { "KV1090", "Serial number is missing." },

This error indicates that a serial number is required.

  • { "KV1091", "Telematics Id is missing." },

This error indicates that a telematics ID is required.

  • { "KV1092", "Project must have a new password screen." },

This error indicates that a project requires a new password screen to function.

  • { "KV1093", "Offline screen must allow anonymous access." },

This error indicates that an offline screen must only be accessible by anonymous users.

  • { "KV1094", "{0} action cannot be used on the offline screen" },

This error indicates that a certain action cannot be used on an offline screen.

  • { "KV1095", "Password must contain alphanumeric characters" },

This error indicates that the user's password must contain at least one alpha and one numeric character.

  • { "KV1096", "Password must contain at least {0} digits" },

This error indicates that the user's password must contain a specified number of digits.

  • { "KV1097", "Password should not contain your '{0}'" },

This error indicates that the user's password should not contain the specified word or character.

  • { "KV1098", "Password must not contain '{0}'" },

This error indicates that the user's password must not contain the specified word or character.

  • { "KV1099", "Your password cannot be the same as any of your last {0} passwords" },

This error indicates that the user cannot use the same password as any of their recent previous passwords.

  • { "KV1100", "Password length must be between {0}" },

This error indicates that the user's password must be within the specified length range.

  • { "KV1101", "Password length must be at least {0}" },

This error indicates that the user's password must be of the specified minimum length.

  • { "KV1102", "Password length must not exceed {0}"},

This error indicates that the user's password must not exceed the specified maximum length.

  • { "KV1103", "Password must contain at least {0} lowercase characters"},

This error indicates that the user's password must contain a specified number of lowercase characters.

  • { "KV1104", "Your password is going to expire today"},

This error indicates that the user's password is going to expire on that day.

  • { "KV1105", "Your password going to expire in {0} days"},

This error indicates that the user's password is going to expire within the specified number of days.

  • { "KV1106", "Your password has expired"},

This error indicates that the user's password has expired.

  • { "KV1107", "You can change your password {0} days after your previous password change"},

This error indicates that the user can change their password a specified number of days after their previous password change.

  • { "KV1108", "Password must not contain recurring characters more than {0} times"},

This error indicates that the user's password must not contain repeating characters more than the specified number of times.

  • { "KV1109", "Password must not contain more than {0} sequential digits"},

This error indicates that the user's password must not contain more than the specified number of sequential digits.

  • { "KV1110", "Password must not contain more than {0} sequential characters"},

This error indicates that the user's password must not contain more than the specified number of sequential characters.

  • { "KV1111", "Password must contain at least {0} special characters"},

This error indicates that the user's password must contain at least the specified number of special characters.

  • { "KV1112", "Password must contain at least {0} uppercase characters"},

This error indicates that the user's password must contain at least the specified number of uppercase characters.

  • { "KV1113", "Reset your password"},

This error indicates that the user needs to reset their password.

  • { "KV1114", "Verify Your Email Address"},

This error indicates that the user needs to verify their email address.

  • { "KV1115", "Password change is not possible due to logging in with another provider"},

This error indicates that the user cannot change their password because they logged in with another identity provider.

  • { "KV1116", "User information not found"},

This error indicates that the information for a specific user was not found in the system.

  • { "KV1117", "Component '{0}' is not supported in ios/android mobile apps"},

This error indicates that the specified component is not supported in iOS or Android mobile applications.

  • { "KV1118", "Type name '{0}' is reserved key. Please enter another name." },

This error indicates that the specified type name is a reserved key and a different name should be used.

  • { "KV1119", "The validation message is missing." },

This error indicates that a validation message is missing.

  • { "KV1120", "Action '{0}' is not supported in ios/android mobile apps" },

This error indicates that the specified action is not supported in iOS or Android mobile applications.

  • { "KV1121", "Connection String should not be empty" },

This error indicates that a connection string should not be empty.

  • { "KV1122", "The IOS new build has not been added to the queue because it is a previously joined build." },

This error indicates that a specific iOS new build has not been added to the queue because it is part of a build that was previously joined.

  • { "KV1123", "Due to the changes made, the backend service needs to be updated." },

This error indicates that due to changes made in the system, the backend service needs to be updated.

  • { "KV1125", "Parameter '{0}' of report '{1}' no longer exists." },

This error indicates that the specified parameter of a certain report no longer exists.

  • { "KV1126", "{0} is used in the {1} (Scheduled Jobs), so {0} was not deleted."},

This error indicates that a certain item was not deleted because it is used in the specified location.

  • { "KV1127", "{0} is used in the {1} (Api Builder), so {0} was not deleted."},

This error indicates that a certain item was not deleted because it is used in the specified location.

  • { "KV1128", "{0} is used in the {1} (Process Automation), so {0} was not deleted."},

This error indicates that a certain item was not deleted because it is used in the specified location.

  • { "KV1129", "User is already enabled"},

This error indicates that a certain user is already enabled.

  • { "KV1130", "User is already disabled"},

This error indicates that a certain user is already disabled.

  • { "KV1131", "Android Bundle Id cannot contain Java keywords '{0}'"},

This error indicates that the specified Android Bundle Id cannot contain certain Java keywords.

  • { "KV1132", "Process parameter '{0}' is no longer exist, its value cannot be used."},

This error indicates that a certain process parameter no longer exists, and its value cannot be used.

  • { "KV1133", "Session user cannot deactivate herself/himself."},

This error indicates that a session user cannot deactivate herself/himself.

  • {"KV1134", "Api Parameter '{0}' of method '{1}' is no longer exist, its value cannot be used"},

This error indicates that the specified parameter of a certain method no longer exists, and its value cannot be used.

  • { "KV1135", "Datasource action with name '{0}' could not be found" },

This error indicates that a datasource action with the specified name could not be found.

  • { "KV1136", "A screen with a Signin Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous" }

This error indicates that a screen with a Signin Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous.

  • { "KV1137", "{0} action condition operator is missing" }

This error indicates that a certain action's condition operator is missing.

  • { "KV1138", "Two-factor authentication provider is not found." },

This error indicates that a two-factor authentication provider is not found.

  • { "KV1139", "You cannot use screen name '{0}' as it is included in reserved key words" },

This error indicates that the specified screen name cannot be used as it is included in reserved keywords.

  • { "KV1140", "A screen with a Reset Password Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous" },

This error indicates that a screen with a Reset Password Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous.

  • { "KV1141", "A screen with a New Password Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous" },

This error indicates that a screen with a New Password Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous.

  • { "KV1142", "A screen with a Verification Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous" },

This error indicates that a screen with a Verification Screen role must exist when the screen is not anonymous.

  • { "KV1143", "No action named '{0}' was found on the page."}

This error indicates that no action with the specified name was found on the page.

  • { "KV1144", "The '{0}' parameter value for the '{1}' action was not found." },

This error indicates that the parameter value for the specified action was not found.

  • { "KV1145", "Selected table '{0}' not found for '{1}' action." },

This error indicates that the selected table for the specified action was not found.

  • { "KV1146", "The selected column '{0}' was not found in the table '{1}' for the '{2}' action." },

This error indicates that the selected column was not found in the table for the specified action.

  • { "KV1147", "Choose a date format for the datetime component '{0}'" },

This error indicates that a date format should be chosen for the specified datetime component.

  • { "KV1148", "Names must start with a letter and can only contain letters, _ and numbers." },

This error indicates that names must start with a letter and can only contain letters, underscores, and numbers.

Last updated