
The Substring action is used to select or manipulate a specific substring in a text (string). It can be thought of as getting a specific range or sequence of characters in a text.

It is the process of selecting a specific range or characters of a text. For example, if we want to get the word "Hello" as a substring in the expression "Hello World", a substring ("Hello World", 0, 5) must be entered.

The substring action is a customized version of the subarray action that only takes string values.

Select the element to add an action to. Click +Add Action under the Properties panel. (A)

Click OnClick-->String Operations--> Substring and create the Substring action. (A)

The created Substring action comes with Value, Starting Index, and Count parameters.

  • Value:

The value parameter represents the content of the substring.

This value contains a specific number of characters in the original text, starting from a specific starting index.

  • Starting Index:

The Starting Index parameter specifies the starting index of the substring.

The substring is selected from this starting index of 0.

  • Count:

The Count parameter specifies the number of characters in the selected substring.

The substring contains the specified number of characters from the starting index.

In the substring action, these parameters, Value, start index, and count, determine how the substring is selected and which characters it contains.

To fill in the parameters within the created action, click on the Symbol Picker (B).

You can perform various operations on the Context menu (C) for the actions you create.

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. This way, you gain speed where action repetition is required.

You can add a confirmation message for the action to run using the Add Confirmation option.

Also, with the Add Condition feature, you can specify certain conditions under which the added action should execute.

You can easily delete the action created with the Remove option.

Last updated