Custom Authentication Provider

The Custom Authentication Provider is a specialized or customized authentication provider. While it is generally suitable for standard authentication solutions, standard authentication methods might be insufficient for certain specific requirements or functionalities. Therefore, the customized authentication provider is a structure specially created to authenticate users' identities and ensure security.

To create a Custom Authentication Provider, open the Datasources view mode through the Header. On the opened screen, click on the + icon located in the left panel. Then, choose C# from the Select Type field. Name the Datasource you've created.

From the Select box, pick the Custom Authentication Provider and click the Create button.

The created Custom Authentication Provider opens with a predefined class. This code comprises a C# class and houses an instantiation of a class implementing a custom authentication provider. This class offers customized functionality for user authentication processes and includes comments to explain this functionality.

The Custom Authentication class implements the Custom Authentication interface. This interface defines authentication functions.

Within the code, the Login, Refresh Token, Find Manager, and Logout methods are readily provided to users.

  • The Login method facilitates user logins. It has two distinct versions: one for logging in with a username and password and another for logging in with a username, an external token, and a refresh token. Inside the Login method, user login procedures need to be verified. This verification process can be done via fields like Rest API or Custom DB. Accordingly, additions to the code should be made.

  • The Refresh Token method is utilized to refresh an expired Token.

  • The Find Manager method is used to determine a user's manager. Explanatory remarks are provided on how this functionality can be customized. This method can be frequently used within Process Automation.

  • The Logout method allows a user to log out from the system. Guidelines are provided for customizing this method. The Logout method doesn't have a return value.

In the Custom Authentication Provider, areas that don't return a null value are valid. Values found within Kuika are considered invalid. However, in places where a return null is encountered, the values in Kuika are deemed valid.

Comments are written to simplify the use and customization of the code. The code is added to guide developers wishing to customize user authentication procedures. In this manner, developers can apply the authentication logic of a specific application or system as they desire using this code.

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