
Change the properties of elements and screens using the Properties panel.

The Properties panel is located on the right side of the canvas. It is used to view and edit the properties of the selected element or screen.

The Properties panel changes according to the selected element or screen properties.

In order to view the properties of the currently open screen directly, the screen must be selected. You can open the properties panel by clicking on the gray area on the background of the screen, clicking on its body in an area of the screen where there is no element, selecting the screen that is the top parent with the Item Tree panel, and selecting the screen with the breadcrumb on the bottom edge.

Properties is the section where the pages in the project are redirected, the starting screens of the pages are specified, and the visibility of the pages is adjusted. On the Properties tab, there are Role, Authorization, Visibility, and Actions properties.

The Properties panel is located on the right side of the UI Design view mode. It is used to view and edit the Properties of the selected element or screen.

On the Properties panel, there are Role, Authorization, Visibility, and Actions properties.

1. Role

This is the part where the role of the screens of the application you are developing is specified. Kuika offers you 9 options.

  • None: Indicates that the screen has no role.

  • Starting Screen: Gives the screen the role of being the start screen.

  • Signin Screen: Gives the screen the role of being the signin screen.

  • Reset Password Screen: Gives the screen the role of password reset screen.

  • New Password Screen : Gives the screen the role of creating a new password screen.

  • Splash Screen: This is a screen role that exists only in mobile applications. It is the initial role that greets the end user when the application is launched.

  • Verification Screen: This is a screen role used in developed applications when the user is required to confirm their email after the account creation process.

  • Offline Screen: This is a screen role present only in mobile applications, and it is used to trigger the display of a defined screen when there is no internet connection.

  • Process Step Screen: This role determines which Process Step the connected screen belongs to

2. Authorization

Kuika offers the option of authorization for your users in the application screens you develop in the form of Anonymous Access, All Roles Access.

  • Anonymous Access: It is the part of the screen where the user is allowed to log in without asking for account information. For example, since there is no obligation to enter the user password on the reset password page of the application you developed, you must activate the Anonymous Access option on the Forgot Password page.

  • All Roles Access: This is the part of the screen where user account information is queried. Pages are redirected according to the verification of user account information. If you want to verify the account information of the users in the applications you have developed, you need to activate the All Roles Access offered by Kuika on your screen. With All Roles Acces, you can assign new Roles from the +New Role section under All Roles to ensure which users can see and not see the elements on the screen and on-screen directions.

2.1. Authorization Procedures in Elements

To implement authorization processes for elements, follow the steps below to perform Authorization operations:

  1. Click on the Element displayed on the screen to select it.

  2. Open the Properties panel.

  3. Click on the Authorization section.

  4. Depending on the visitors and/or users of the application, you can use the following options:

  • To allow all logged-in users to view, you can choose the All Roles option.

  • If you want it to be visible without user Login (the screen prior to the Element should also have this feature), turn on the Anonymous Access switch.

  • If you want it to be visible only to specific roles defined in your developed application, select the roles for which access should be granted. Based on your selection, the element's authorization settings will have been configured.

To examine Authorization operations in detail based on user roles or screen roles, click here.

3. Visibility

This is the section where the visibility of screens or elements is adjusted. In elements, "visibility" allows you to manage its visibility based on a specific situation and/or condition. For each element, you can set it to always be visible, to be hidden, or to appear or disappear based on a specific condition.

It is the part where the visibility structure of your screen is adjusted. Kuika offers Always Visible, Hidden, Sometimes Visible options so that you can control the visibility of the screens in your Application.

  • Always Visible: It ensures that the screens in your application are always visible.

  • Visible: It makes the screens in your app visible.

  • Hidden: It allows the screens in your application to be hidden.

  • Sometimes Visible: It ensures that the screens in your application are conditionally visible.

3.1.Visibility operations on Elements or Screens

To adjust the Visibility settings for elements or on your screen, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the element or screen to select it.

  2. Open the Properties panel.

  3. Click on the Visibility section and choose one of the following options based on your application's needs:

  • With Always visible from the select box, you ensure it's always displayed.

  • With Hidden, you can hide the element.

  • With Sometimes visible, you can set it to display based on conditions you'll add.

Following your selection, the visibility of the element will be set.

Actions make your application dynamic. Kuika offers you rich action service.Kuika contains system actions such as Authorization, Condition, Device, Export, GeoLocation, Invers, Local Storage , Multi Language, Navigation, Notification, Payment Stripe, UI Control, Trigger, and Process Automation.

For detailed information about the actions, you can take a look at the System actions.

4.1. Adding Actions

To add an action to a screen or element, follow the steps below:

  1. In the UI Design view, select the screen or element.

  2. Go to the Actions section in the Properties panel.

  3. Click the +Add Action button.

  4. Choose one of the system action options available within the platform.

  5. Configure the action settings, for example, the target page or function.

  6. After completing the settings, click the Close button.

For detailed information about actions, you can refer to the system actions.

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