
Add Color to Elements.

Hue, Saturation, Brightness

Hue: It represents each color formed by light of different wavelengths, like blue, yellow, and green.

Saturation: It refers to the purity and brightness of the color. The brighter the color, the more saturated it is. A color with maximum saturation has no gray at all. They are described as rich, saturated, lively, and satiated. Low-saturation colors contain gray and are described as pale, muted, and dull.

Brightness: Indicates how light or dark the color is. The brightness of the color is changed by mixing white or black. Color mixed with white is a lighter shade of that color. Color mixed with black is a darker shade of that color.


RGB is a model that enables electronic devices to create color using light. All other colors in this model consist of a mixture of Red, Green, and Blue in different proportions.

The Hex code combines these three values to represent a color in RGB format. Hex codes make it easy to find or copy the same color every time without messing with percentages.

Saved Color:

You can add new colors to your color palette by clicking on the Saved color (+) icon.

List Option:

You can set the display of the newly added colors in either grid or list view using the List Option.

Remove saved color:

You can delete the added colors by clicking on the trash bin icon in the Remove saved color option.


Alpha Channel is the channel that determines how transparent an image or color will be. When you lower the alpha value, the transparency increases.

Color Combinations


The combination of the light and dark values of a single color on the color wheel. It creates a strong atmosphere. It is easier to focus on the details. The result is a clean and elegant design. Pay attention to the parts you want to highlight. The design can be balanced with neutral colors.


It is created by selecting colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. Calm, soft, eye-catching designs can be obtained. To create emphasis, attention should be paid to contrast. Emphasis is better provided if one color is chosen as the dominant color and is supported by the others.


It is created using two contrasting colors on the color wheel. Because contrasting colors complement each other, they create an exciting and lively harmony that is pleasing to the eye. One color should be more dominant than the other. Using both colors at the same time can benefit the eyes and create confusion.


It is the color harmony that occurs when we draw a triangle on the color wheel. These colors are equidistant from each other on the color wheel. A striking and dominant effect can be created. One color should be chosen as dominant, and the others should be balanced.

Split Complementary

It creates less contrast than complementary colors. It is less viable. There are two more colors besides the accent color. Softer designs can be created. It is easy to apply.

Double Complementary

It is formed by the use of two pairs of opposite colors. Dominant colors should be noted. One contrasting color group can be used for emphasis, while other contrasting colors can be used as a complement.

Web Safe Color Palette

Web-Safe Colors consists of 216 colors that can display at least 8-bit color (256 colors), displaying steady, flicker-free, and consistent on any computer monitor or web browser. Using these colors in your designs is very important for the user experience.



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