
Add Border to Elements.

You can add lines to the outer edges and give corner bevels. You can specify the color of the border lines you add and adjust the thickness. You can save the Border style you created in the Custom Style section and use it on different screens or by adding it with Load Style on the same screen. You can edit, duplicate and delete the Border styles you have created at any time.


Custom Style means custom style. Elementte Color, Width, Radius, Style and Border style adjustments are made from the Custom Style panel.


You can specify the color and opacity for an element's border. You can choose your color by entering the hex code, entering the RGB values, or from the color picker.


Width is the area where you specify the thickness of the border around an element. With the values you enter in the top, bottom, right and left fields, you can determine how much edge thickness you want in which part.


You can use it to round the corners of your selected element. You can enter different rounding values for all corners or for each corner.


The field where you specify the type of border around an element. The edges can be straight, incised or dotted.

Adding Borders to Elements

You can add lines to the outer edges of elements and provide corner radii.

To set up the Border structure on elements, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the element on the screen to select it.

  2. Open the Styling panel.

  3. Go to the Border option.

  4. In the Styles section, when you click on the three-dot icon, click on Add New Style to save your Border styles for use on different elements or places.

  5. In the Custom Style section, using the Color option, you can select the desired color for the element's Border.

  6. In the Custom Style section, with the Width option, you can specify the Border's thickness in pixels (px). The Width feature can be set separately for each edge of an element, or you can activate the lock icon to ensure the same thickness measurement for all edges with one click. Determine the Border thickness by entering a value.

  7. In the Custom Style section, using the Radius option, you can provide corner radii for the border structure you will create on elements based on the values you provide.

The features within the Border vary according to the elements. In some elements, all the features within the Border can be used, while in others, only limited features are utilized.

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