V3.4.10 Release Note (19th February 2024)

New Features

UI Design

  • With data table, With Excel, With Action and Custom options that increase the functionality of the form element were added to the element to quickly create form structures with data connection.

  • The Recurring Action feature for performing repeated actions is now supported on the platform.

  • Added Orientation parameter to ComponentToPDF and GetComponentBase64 actions.

  • Added noDataFoundImage property to Properties panel of Table element.

  • Added onPanelChange event in Calendar element.

  • Open As option has been added to OpenInBrowser action which can be used optionally.

  • Added allowClear property to DateRange element.

  • Client IP Address feature, which allows to show the IP address of the current device in the developed applications, has been added under Default category in Symbol Picker.

Process Automation

  • In two different projects, the feature that allows defining the screens related to Process Automation and advancing the Process steps has been added to the platform.

  • In Process Automation, the Add Action option has been added to the Properties panel for the structure that enables sending the link related to the task in User Step.


  • Microsoft Authentication Library was supported as an authentication provider in the developed applications.

  • We switched to Dall-E 3 model for image generation with artificial intelligence.

Report Designer

  • Formatter property has been added to Label element.

  • In multi-page reports created, a line was added as a marker at the end of the page.


UI Design

  • Performance improvements have been made in the Micro App element.

  • Language panel has been improved in terms of user experience.

  • System messages displayed on Forgot password and Confirmation code screens have been improved.

  • Error messages have become clearer in terms of user experience.


  • It has been enabled to remove the parameter added by default when Bearer is selected as the authentication option when creating a data source connection with Swagger.

  • Error messages encountered when connecting to a data source with Swagger have become more understandable in terms of user experience.

Process Automation

  • For all MicroApps of users, data access was provided through the existing Process Automation.

  • NavigatetoTask action is supported in mobile applications.

  • In Navigate to Task, Validation was shown on the invalid link.

Preview, Publish and Code Generation

  • In Android apps, when you navigate between apps, when you go back to the app, it resumes from where you left off.


UI Design

  • Fixed the error encountered in action naming in Select Action.

  • The bug that prevented Condition options from appearing in fields with Date data type has been resolved.

  • The problem of not displaying the correct value for fractional values in the Number Input element has been solved.

  • Fixed the problem with showing chart labels on X axis in BarChart element.

  • The problem with displaying the content in the tab element has been solved.

  • Fixed the incorrect display of the selected date in the Date element.

  • Fixed the issue where the bound data was not displayed because data was bound to the Badge element.

  • The problem encountered in displaying Micro Apps has been solved.

  • The Double to String error encountered in Android applications when the Label element is given a ProcessParameter that is converted to String (toString) as a value has been solved.

  • Fixed the problem of SetValueOf action not working in Date element.

  • The problem that prevents the Number Input element from being active or passive with ChangeEnabledOf according to the value selected in the SelectBox element has been fixed.

  • In the SaveRecord action, it has been enabled to show validation instead of an error message when the table is not selected.

  • Fixed Lowercase and Uppercase properties in Text style of Label element not working properly for Turkish characters.

  • The problem encountered in setting the Text style of Label in Android applications has been solved.

  • Fixed a bug in Rate element in Android apps.

  • The problem of TabItems not showing change as a result of ChangeEnabledOf action in Android applications has been solved.

  • The problem of not being able to translate the Placeholder text of DateTime element in Android applications has been solved.

  • The problem of incorrect date information in Android applications has been solved.

  • Fixed the issue of Min and Max value of Numeric Input element not working properly in Android applications.

  • The problem encountered in the language translation of the Placeholder text of the SelectBox element in Android applications has been solved.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Notify message from being shown in scenarios where the GoBack action is used after the Notify action in Android apps.

  • Fixed an issue in iOS apps that prevented Top-oriented Drawer screens from working properly.

  • Fixed the disappearance of the background image added to screens in iOS apps.

  • The problem encountered in validation of Image element in iOS tablet applications has been solved.

  • Fixed the problem that prevented hiding Items in Tab element in iOS apps.

  • Fixed the problem that prevented hiding Columns in Table element in iOS applications.


  • Fixed bugs with EndPoint naming when creating a new API connection.

CRUD Screens

  • The problem that prevented columns of Bytea data type from being displayed on Form and View screens has been solved.

Process Automation

  • The problem of not displaying the parameter defined in the Resume Process action has been solved.

  • The problem of not being able to assign values to the parameters defined in steps with Symbol Picker has been solved.

  • The problem with the approval process in iOS applications has been solved.

  • The issue that was blocking the approval process between two different projects has been resolved.

  • Fixed the issue that was displaying as Everyone when Dynamic was selected for Assignment type in Lane.

Report Designer

  • The problem that the italic text style used in the Label element in the report design does not appear in the downloaded or opened report has been solved.

Preview, Publish and Code Generation

  • Fixed the freezing issue in Firefox browser when invalid URL is given in OpenInBrowser action.

  • Fixed fonts not displaying properly.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented forwarding APK links in Android apps.

  • Fixed a problem with the resolution of app icons in Push Notification in Android apps.

  • Fixed a language translation problem in the title of the Android apps Bluetooth Device search list.

Last updated