
Check Out Tree Element Function!

The Tree element is the element that displays your data with a complex hierarchy.

It allows you to view your table in the database as a parent/child relationship with Tree.

For example, the table with the staff list is in the tree element.

  • Employee

    • Name surname

    • Active

    • Department

      • Department Name

      • id

  • Fate of birth

It will be displayed as

1.Adding the Tree element

In order to use the Tree element, you can select the Tree element from the Elements panel in your application and add it to your workspace by drag and drop.

The Tree element is supported in both mobile and web applications

2.Tree Element Datasource Connection

The Tree element cannot be used as a custom list. The data table is the dependent element. Datasource and other connections from Properties → Options must be made correctly and completely.

Actions: It is the field where the data to be bound to the tree element is defined/selected.

Field to displayId: By selecting one of the columns in the datasource, the captured data is displayed. The database column that is desired to be displayed as a name in the image above has been selected.

Field to Use as Key: This is the part where the data type you want to use as a key in the planted data is selected. Usually the Guid is selected.

Field to Use as Parent: In the data to be drawn, parent Id is selected in this field. With this value entered, the order of the data is determined. If the data to be retrieved is to be displayed at the top, not below any parent, the value of the parent Id should be returned null.

3. Adding Action in Tree Element

In order to add an action to the tree element you have added to your workspace in the application, click + Add Action and click the Item part of the tree element added from the onChange section, and the action occurs automatically.

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