v3.4.12 Release Note (27th May 2024)

New Features

UI Design

  • In case the default language of the application is Turkish, the Filter property of the Table element started to be displayed in Turkish.

  • The ability to rename elements via the Item Tree panel has been added to the platform.

  • Elements in the Data category have been given the ability to bind nested data structures.

  • A feature has been added that allows the addition of other Data elements suitable for the Nested structure within the Data category elements.

  • The infrastructure that allows hybrid Web elements to be added to mobile projects has been added to the platform.

  • Menu element started to be supported in mobile apps.

  • GetRepotBase64 action is now supported in Android apps.

  • PrintPDF action started to be supported in mobile apps.

  • It has been enabled to set the Null value in the Year Picker element in Android applications.

System Actions

  • In the Excel Import action, the tableName parameter has been added, which enables the name update of the pages of the excel document imported as the imported table.


  • Template actions have been added in AI Actions.

  • Nested Object infrastructure for mobile applications was added to the platform.

  • Date data types used in the process of creating a new table have been combined under DateTimeOffSet.

Process Automation

  • GetUserTask action, which lists the tasks assigned to a user, has been added to the system actions.

  • In the User task, workflow confirmation and termination operations have started to be performed via email in line with the options added in Send Default Notification Mail.

  • Improvement has been made for the screen links to be installed in duplicated applications.

Report Designer

  • With the writingMode property added to the Properties panel of the Label element, it was ensured that the text direction is shown horizontally or vertically.

Preview, Publish and Code Generation

  • Certificate Fingerprints information has been added to the Build Success email content of Android applications.

  • Qr code redirecting to the app store was added to Build Success email content of mobile apps.

Platform and Platform Interface

  • User Workspace was updated in terms of interface and authorization and configuration manager settings were added to the Workspace. Thus, different roles can be assigned to users in the Workspace and different authorizations can be made on a project basis.


UI Design

  • Previously entered values are not listed in input elements.

  • UI improvements have been made in the Custom Actions panel.

  • The Send button on the Reset Password screen has been improved to Save.

  • Screens and Custom Action panel have been updated to allow the creation of subfolders.

  • Updated icons of Data category elements.

  • FieldName validation messages in the form element have been improved.

  • Application type specific improvements have been made in the Properties panel of the menu element.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Stopwatch element from working properly in mobile apps.

  • A constant Percent value has been assigned for Progress Bar and Progress Circle elements in Android applications.

  • Improvement has been made to update the Styling settings of the Table Header in Android apps.

  • Edit and Delete features have been added for the Chat element in iOS apps.

System Actions

  • Improved the structure returned from the Return parameter to distinguish between cases where there is more than one Sheet as a result of the ImportExcelBase64 action.


  • Messages encountered when creating SQL actions have been improved.

Process Automation

  • The user experience has been improved with the feature that redirects to the Step where the error is located in the Process design with the path added to the validation messages in the error panel.

  • Improved copying of Processes with the same name when an application with Processes is duplicated.


UI Design

  • The problem of showing First behavior when Last is selected when binding data to the Label element has been solved.

  • Fixed a problem with sorting decimal values in Sorting operation in sorting Properties of Table element.

  • Bugs encountered in Filtering, Searchable and Sorter properties of Table element have been fixed.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the menu element from being Collapsed.

  • Scroll issue encountered in Master Screen Header Layout has been fixed.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented role-based authorization on a screen.

  • The problem of OnChange and OnPressEnter events of TextArea element behaving differently in web and mobile applications has been solved.

  • Fixed an issue with displaying the LineChart element in Android apps.

  • The problem of Inline Grid feature of Table elements in Web Screens in mobile applications not working has been solved.

  • Fixed issues with the design of the Progress Bar and Progress Circle in iOS apps.

  • Fixed the problem encountered in SetValueOf action in iOS applications.

System Actions

  • In scenarios where SetValueOf action is used with SelectBox, the problem of behaving differently in Web and Mobile applications has been solved.

  • The problem that prevented the SetValueOf action from working on the Web View element in iOS applications has been solved.

  • The problem encountered in ExportExcel action has been solved.

  • In Android applications, SetFocusTo action was enabled to work on Text Input, Numeric Input, Email, Password, URL, Text Area elements.


  • Endpoint save error encountered in Rest API has been solved.

  • Fixed the error encountered in different content with the same Response object name in Rest API.

  • The problem of not being able to display the object when a single object is pulled from the API has been solved.

Process Automation

  • The bug encountered when multiple Process Automation actions are used in iOS applications has been resolved.

  • The Request Aborted issue encountered when saving with CTRL+S has been fixed.

  • The issue that caused problems in displaying the DateTimeOffSet field has been resolved.

  • Fixed an issue with renamed Processes displaying the old name.

Report Designer

  • The problem of action fields not appearing in the Labels in the Table has been solved.

  • Fixed the white screen problem encountered while dragging Label into Table.

  • The error encountered in the scenario where SaveRecor is used as Initial Action in Report Designer and its result is assigned as a value to Label has been fixed.

Configuration Manager

  • The problem of not being able to log in due to role in MSAL has been solved.

  • Fixed a bug where iOS apps would rotate the screen horizontally when the orientation was Portrait.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented GPSTracking from being written to the KGpsTracking table in Android apps.

Preview, Publish and Code Generation

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Left Padding in Input elements from working correctly when previewing in mobile apps.

  • Fixed AutoComplete Skeleton not showing up in preview process in Android apps.

  • The SetFocusto problem in TextInput element in preview process in Android applications has been solved.

  • In iOS applications, the error of redirecting to the Login screen when the internet connection is lost when the connection is restored has been solved.

Last updated