Add MSSQL datasource

Learn Datasources: MSSQL connection with Kuika.

You can use various data sources when developing applications with Kuika. One of the data sources you can use is MSSQL. You can quickly connect an MSSQL database you own to an application you developed in Kuika as a data source.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. MSSQL Data Source Connection

1. MSSQL Data Source Connection

To make a data source connection with MSSQL, go to the Datasources view mode in your project in Kuika.

You can view datasources, actions, and tables in the application you developed through the left menu in the datasources view mode, and you can add a new data source, a new action, and a new table.

+ icon opposite the datasources heading to add a new data source to your application

To add MSSQL as a data source to the application you have developed, select and name MSSQL as the Datasource type on the screen that opens. After completing the naming process, click the CREATE button.

On the screen that opens, enter the Connection String information of the database you want to connect to. After providing the information entry, you can test whether the MSSQL connection is working via the Test button above. If the MSSQL connection is working, click the CREATE button to create the Datasources connection.

Example MSSQL data source;

Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

This connection will work fine when the user information is entered correctly in the myServerAddress, myDataBase, myUsername, myPassword fields.

When you enter this connection string in the Connection string field, you can test it by clicking the Test button and then create the connection by clicking the Create button.

Now let's explain the parts of this connection string step by step:

  • Server:


myServerAddress represents the MSSQL database server address.This should be the address or IP address of the server you want to connect to the database.

  • Database:


myDataBase represents the name of the MSSQL database you want to connect to. This should be the name of the custom database you want to connect to.

  • User Id:

User Id=myUsername;

myUsername represents the username that will be used to connect to the MSSQL database.This is usually a username that has certain permissions on the database.

  • Password:


myPassword represents the password that will be used to connect to the MSSQL database. This is the password for the specified username.

This connection string is typically used to create a connection object, and the connection object is used to connect to the database or execute queries.

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