Publishing an Android App

Publishing an Android app is the process of making a developed Android app available to users through the Google Play Store or other Android app distribution platforms.

In the process of publishing an Android application, you must first have a Google Play developer account. If you do not have a Google developer account, you can create your account by reviewing the Google Play Developer Account Creation document.

Log in to the created Google Play Developer account. The All Apps page will welcome you.

Click the Create App button at the top right of the screen.

On the screen that opens, there are the settings and details of the application (App details) to be displayed in the Google Play Store.

  • App name:

Specify the name of your app, and it will be displayed in the Play Store.

  • Language Support (Default Language):

Select the languages in which the application will be used. Offering support for multiple languages can increase the reach of your app.

  • Pricing and Distribution (Free or Paid) :

Select whether your app is free or paid. If paid, set pricing and free trial periods.

In the Declarations field, you need to accept policies such as Developer Program Policies and US export laws. Then click the Create App button in the bottom right corner.

In the screen that opens, Start testing now, Set up your app, Release Your App, fields must be filled in order.

1.In the Start Testing Now field

Select Testers, Create, and Roll out release fields.

Select Testers:

This section is used to select the test users to whom the app is accessible during the beta testing phase. It supports you in collecting feedback and fixing bugs by enabling your business to be tested among specific users.

Create and Roll out release:

This section allows you to create and release a beta or full version of your app.

The beta version is tested with specific users or through a public beta program, while the full version makes the app available to everyone.

This section also allows you to configure the app's content, target devices, and other deployment settings.

2. Set up your app

Set Privacy Policy, App Access, Ads, Content Rating, Target Audience, News App, COVID-19 contact tracing and status apps, Data safety, Government apps, and Financial features fields need to be filled in. Set up your app. Each sub-heading contains specific information that needs to be filled in depending on the type and requirements of your app. These settings are essential to improve the user experience and security of your app and to ensure compliance with Google Play policies.

  • Set Privacy Policy: This field allows you to set your app's privacy policy and add the privacy policy URL.

You can get the URL from within the app. On Google Play, app developers are required to provide a privacy policy to respect users' privacy rights.

  • App Access:

This section requires permission for your app to use certain APIs or services. For example, access to location data, camera usage, etc. Within this screen, select the way you want it to be based on your app.

  • Ads:

This field is important for apps with ads. It helps you configure advertising policies, such as how ads are served and how ad credentials are handled.

  • Content Rating:

Allows you to set the age restriction and appropriateness level of your app's content. This shows which age groups your app is suitable for.

  • Target Audience:

Helps you identify the target audience and users of your app. This information can help your app to be discovered.

  • News app:

This option includes special settings for news apps. It is useful for apps that offer news content.

  • COVID-19 Contact Tracing and Status Apps:

Includes custom settings for COVID-19 contact tracing and status apps. It ensures that such apps provide accurate and reliable information.

  • Data Safety:

Contains policies and explanations about the app's data security. It explains how users' personal data is processed and protected.

  • Government Apps:

If you are developing apps for the government or public sector, it helps you make the relevant settings in this area.

  • Financial Features:

Includes special settings related to financial transactions and payment methods. This is important for financial apps.

3. Release Your App

  • Production Track:

This is where you set the settings for the live (production) version of your app. This version is open to all users.

  • Open Testing Track:

This is a section used to make your application open to beta testers. Here, you can configure the beta version.

  • Closed Testing Track:

Used to test your app with a limited beta tester audience. Only invited users can access this version.

  • Internal Testing Track:

Allows you to offer your app as a private test version to the internal team or users in your organization.

  • Production to Beta:

You can use this section to convert the live version of your app into a beta version.

  • Manage Production:

You use this section to manage your live version and control the version available to users.

Each heading allows you to set up your app for different versions and target audiences. This is important to update your app regularly and make it available to different user groups.

After filling in the required fields, click Production in the left panel.

On the screen that opens, click the Create new release button on the right panel.

You must add the AAB file to the screen that opens.

Release Name:

This field defines the name of a specific release of your application. It is important to choose a unique name for each release because this name helps to distinguish the versions of the application. For example, for Version 1.0.1 you can choose a name like Update 1.0.1.

Release Notes:

This field contains important updates, changes, and notes for a specific version of the app. It is used to tell users what has changed or been added to this version of the app. It helps users stay informed about the update and motivates them to update the app.

After these processes are finished, you need to perform the operations within the Platform.

Click Config Manager view mode from the Header in your application. Then name the Config manager and click the Create button.

Then click on the Android category. Activate the Android Switch.

From the screen that opens, go to Play Store Settings. Click ADD NEW in the Configuration pop-up window.

Give naming in Google Play connect API settings. For example, AAB File. Then select AAB from the Publish Type pop-up window.

If you have a signature file in the Signing Store File field in line with the selection, click Choose to add the file. If you do not have a Signature, you can leave the Signing Key Alias, Signing Key Password fields blank and click Create. Kuika will fill these fields automatically.

The setting you created will be displayed as AABFile in the Configuration field.

Then click on the Rocket icon, select Android from the pop-up window, and click on Publish button.

Then check your email.

Then click on the Main store listing field in the left panel in the Google Play Console.

App Name: This is the name of your app and is visible to users.

Short Description: This is the short and concise app description.

Full Description: Contains a detailed description of your app.

App Icon: The icon or logo of your app.

Feature Graphic: A large graphic or banner used to promote your app.

Video (Promotional Video): A promotional video of your app.

Phone Screenshots: Screenshots of your app for phones.

7-inch Tablet Screenshots: Screenshots for 7-inch tablets.

10-inch Tablet Screenshots: Screenshots for 10-inch tablets.

Chromebook: Option to indicate that you are compatible for Chromebook devices. This indicates that your app is intended for Chromebook users.

This information and visuals help users discover, understand, and download your app. It is important for the success of your app and user engagement.

Once the required fields have been entered, click the Save button.

Then click Publishing Overview in the left panel. In Changes ready to send for review, click Send app for review.

Click Send app for review to send your app through Google's review process before publishing it to the Google Play Store. This review process is to verify that your app complies with Google Play policies and does not threaten user safety.

The relevant Google team will check that your app complies with all requirements. This includes compliance with privacy policies, security measures, content restrictions, and other policy requirements. The review can usually take a few days, and once approved, your app will become publishable on the Google Play Store.

After you submit your app to the review process, you will receive a notification about the outcome. If your app is approved, it becomes available for download by users. However, if there are any issues, you can get feedback with warnings or fixes needed and resubmit your app after fixing it. This process is important to ensure that users have access to safe and reliable apps.

Last updated