Get User Notification

Meet the Kuika Get Users Notification system action.

It is the action to reach the sent notifications of the user given as the userName parameter in mobile applications.

Select the element to add action. Select Notification --> GetUsersNotification from the Properties panel +Add Action menu.(A)

  • userName: The user name whose notifications are requested is written.

  • pageNumber: It is determined how many pages will be in order for notifications to be Paginated.

  • pageSize: It is determined how many notifications will be on a page.

  • exceptRead: Selected to fetch only unread notifications.

Within the created action, Symbol Picker (B) is used to select the parameter input method for the action.

You can perform various operations on the Context menu (C) for the actions you create.

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. This way, you gain speed where action repetition is required.

You can add a confirmation message for the action to run using the Add Confirmation option.

Also, with the Add Condition feature, you can specify certain conditions under which the added action should execute.

You can easily delete the action created with the Remove option.

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