Offline Screen

Offline Screen enables the defined screen to be run when there is no internet connection added as a screen role.

In cases where the internet connection is available, the transition to the online screen is not provided.

Only one offline screen role can be defined in a project.

1.Offline Screen Features

  • The screen, which is given the role of an offline screen, works according to the device's features. For example, you can open the camera on the screen, and GPS can be received. However, the Backend call cannot be made because it is closed.

  • It is a role that supports only Android and iOS mobile applications, not the web.

  • Only client-side actions can be added to the screen with the offline screen role. Server-side actions cannot be added.

2.Using Offline Screen

First, the screen design is done. Then it is given to the Offline screen role from the Properties panel. IOS or Android is generated. When these applications are run on Android or iOS, this screen automatically goes offline by giving a Notification as soon as there is no internet connection. The designed screen continues to work offline.

Since the designed screen works in the offline role, its design should also be in this direction. It should be a design that can work independently of the internet connection. For example, you cannot add a visual backend from an API that is added to the Image element to be used in the design. In other words, the images in the Image Library should be used, not the link.

In addition, Navigation operations must be manual. For example, a manual exit button must be added for exit operations on the offline screen.

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